Web Design and Maintenance
The Web of Change
It used to be that if you wanted to promote your business, you hired a designer to create you a logo, business card, letterhead, and brochure to picture your product. You then sent this to a printer to produce a thousand or more copies. When you changed or added to your product line, you at least had these items revised and sent to the printer again. Old copies were thrown away. This has all changed.
First of all, on the WEB, your product display is dynamic. Your items and prices can be changed easily. Even the "look and feel" of your pages, that part of your business that gives recognition and character, can be revamped fairly easily. Secondly, "the world is your oyster"; both local and distant customers can visit your pages and order your product right "on-line". Thirdly, this will cost you less than it did before!
Your Choice
You have to fashion a clear idea of who you want to target, where you want to start, and how far you might go. You should visit similar sites to get more ideas then you should meet with a web designer to discuss your ideas. The web designer will share important information that will benefit you. Then the two of you will set a course, a price structure, and soon your site will be "up there" and continue to grow over time.
I sincerely trust that you will consider my abilities. Please visit the sites I have designed or maintain by clicking on the names in the right sidebar.
My Background
I have been programing in Basic, C, Pascal, and HyperCard since the early 1970's. Back then, I was an Art and Graphic Design teacher, Computer Science instructor, and a contributing editor to a major programming magazine, so it was inevitable that web coding with HTML would come next as the World Wide Web grew popular.
For a long time my web designs used the "what you see is what you get" programs, like Adobe PageMill, GoLive, and Macromedia Dreamweaver, but now "hard coding" and Cascading Style Sheets have grabbed my fancy. Next it will be JavaScript and CGI!
The Results
Combining this programming experience with my graphic design and artist background hopefully makes for tasteful, effective, and exciting site creations. Please survey some of my work by clicking on the titles in the right sidebar.